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Freightos Baltic Index (FBX) regional ocean freight index
Billed annually
Freightos Air Index (FAX) regional air freight index
Billed annually
Ocean, air or custom lanes data, tailored to your budget and needs
What is Freightos Terminal?
Freightos Terminal is Freightos Data’s flagship global supply chain market intelligence tool. With Terminal, supply chain professionals can improve operations, pricing, procurement, and internal reporting with access to air/ocean global freight prices and benchmarking, reliability metrics, and notifications on key lanes.
How does pricing work?
Freightos Terminal has a number of different data offerings, depending on granularity of data, frequency, additional data points like transit time or reliability, market feeds, historical data, and more. Request a demo or view the pricing page for more information.
Unlike other freight indices, FBX are based on aggregated and anonymized real-time business data from global freight carriers, freight forwarders, and shippers that use the WebCargo by Freightos freight rate management platform. That’s why we believe our freight index to be the most accurate real-time representation of market rates available. The rates are not polled or tweaked in any way, shape or form – they derive from the same live rates that top tier logistics providers are using commercially.
Prices used in the index are rolling short term Freight All Kind (FAK) spot tariffs and related surcharges between carriers, freight forwarders and high-volume shippers. Index values are calculated by taking the median price for all prices (to ignore the influence of outliers on active lanes) with weighting by carrier. 50 to 70 million price points are collected every month. The daily freight rate index is published in a “sliding window” containing the relevant data that are effective and not expired from 00:00 UTC on the day before publication to 24:00 UTC on the day of publication, meaning 48 hours in total starting from 00:00 yesterday. Only rates created or modified within the last 3 months and valid during those 48 hours will be included (in practice on most trade lanes rates are volatile and almost all rates are much newer than 3 months). Rates are calculated at 06:00 UTC and published at 14:00 UTC. The weekly freight index is calculated as an average of the five business days from the same week and published each Friday.
Can I trust the data?
Across carriers, forwarders, and BCOs, tens of thousands of companies around the world have come to rely on our data for air and ocean freight decision-making. Use cases span from benchmarking to more commercial use cases like index-linking, creating rate contract renegotiation clauses based on rate change fluctuations, or even futures and derivatives on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or the Singapore Exchange.
The Freightos Baltic Index specifically is IOSCO-compliant and BMR-compliant, with the Baltic Exchange serving as the Benchmark Administrator.
As a whole, we believe that one key advantage from freight digitization is better industry visibility and transparency. Our internal data is based on commercial data across well over a thousand consenting companies, all aggregated and carefully anonymized.